Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Corbomite Maneuver

 This episode was almost as boring as the pilot. ALMOST. Not quite. Just almost. Thank goodness for the ending of the episode. It really helped make it better. Now this is also one of those episodes that was aired out of order. This is obviously the first episode Yeoman Rand appears and another episode where Uhura is wearing yellow instead of her normal red.
  Really there isn't much to say about this episode. The ship gets stopped by a floating rubik's cube in space. They blow it up. A huge space pustule gets mad at them.

I mean seriously, don't these look like infected sores under a microscope?
Then an alien named Balok tells them if they do anything threatening he'll blow up the ship. Kirk tries to talk to him. That's threatening. It turns into a giant game of Poker. Kirk realizes that. He bluffs that Earth people have something called Corbomite that they use as a defensive weapon. The alien falls for it.
  The whole time this is going on, I mean like the whole episode, everyone is putting insane amounts of pressure on poor Lt. Bailey. Just nothing goes right for that kid the whole episode...
   ....until the end. And remember I mentioned the episode doesn't get good until the end. Kirk, McCoy, and Bailey beam aboard the aliens space ship because the alien lets out a extremely quiet distress call. They're about to beam aboard and Scotty tells them to watch out, the other side has low ceilings. They get over there and McCoy AUTOMATICALLY bangs his head. IDIOT! The alien they thought was Balok was really a dummy, they keep walking and see a baby. A talking baby.
   The baby runs the ship by himself and was lonely and wanted company. Kirk, Balok, and Bailey talk and decide to have Bailey stay on the ship with Balok. Balok gets a companion, Bailey stops getting hassled, and Kirk gets a new crewman. All is well! Yaay!

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