Monday, September 16, 2013

The Alternative Factor

      This episode starts off with the Enterprise exploring an uncharted planet. As they are doing this the ship is attacked by a violent force. When everyone recovers Spock says that the most peculiar and practically impossible thing happened: everything 'blinked' out. When the scanners start working again it is reported that on the planet where there was once no signs of life there is now one: a male, possibly dangerous.  Kirk of course beams down to check it out with Spock and a bunch of red shirts.

      Down on the planet they find absolutely nothing except a small space ship. As they are checking out the cute white little space ship a guy standing high upon a group of rocks starts shouting at them about some 'thing' being evil. As this man is freaking out and flailing he falls to the ground. Kirk runs to see him and the man is sprawled in a position that makes him look either dead or seriously injured.

      Back on the Enterprise Kirk finds out that the 'blinking' did not just happen in the Enterprise but in the quadrant of space around them too. Kirk checks on the man who fell and who seems to be very much alive. After he fell he had blood by his eye and by his mouth, but in this shot he is completely blood free. WTF?! Are they really that bad with consistency? The man whose name is Lazarus goes on to tell Kirk that he has to kill this evil 'thing', this planet murdering 'creature'. He clams this 'thing' is not human and is what attacked him.  Kirk tells Lazarus he wants him to beam down to the planet with him and the landing party to see if what Lazarus is saying is actually the truth.
    On the planet everyone looks around and Spock tells Kirk that Lazarus(who is bleeding once again) is a liar since there is no proof of the facts he is giving which of course makes Lazarus mad because no one really likes being called a liar.  But of course it wouldn't be an awesome moment if Spock didn't reply, "I fail to see your indignation sir, I've just come up with the logical conclusion that you are a liar."
    Suddenly Lazarus starts to twitch and he's surrounded by computer generated red solar systems and another violent force shakes the planet. Lazarus is then seen completely white and clear, fighting someone else. When Lazarus reappears and the violent shaking stops he falls to the ground once again near Kirk who bombards him with yet another set of questions.

    Back on the Enterprise, Lazarus is being patched up by Bones and Spock and Kirk are as confused as ever.  They can't figure out what caused the 'blinking' yet Kirk realizes there is some truth to the words that Lazarus has been telling. All Spock knows is that the 'blinking' happens at the same times that Lazarus claims to confront the 'thing'.
   Bones calls Kirk down to the sick bay slightly worried. It seems that McCoy treated Lazarus with a couple head wounds and then when he turned the corner Lazarus's head wounds were completely gone as if they never happened. Of  course he can't prove this though because Lazarus has gone missing. Lazarus is next seen in what looks to be a kind of staff hang out where he over hears to officers talking about the dilithium crystals that power the ship. This intrigues him and he nonchalantly just follows them out.
     The flash of red solar systems surround Lazarus again and he has to cling to walls to stand up straight. Right after Kirk and McCoy find him with the correct head wounds to McCoy's surprise.
    Spock then calls Kirk down to the bridge where he tells Kirk there's another ship. Of course Kirk is wondering how the scanners didn't pick it up before. Well, as it turns out it's not actually there. Well, that's not right either. It seems that according to the normal scanning procedures there is nothing there, but really there is another ship. Spock then admits he's at a loss for words because the ship may or may not be caused by a 'rip' in the universe.
   Lazarus then starts raving about the dilithium crystals and how that will be the way to stop the 'thing', but of course Kirk won't let him use his dilithium crystals because they power his precious Enterprise. So of course Lazarus starts to freak out claiming that there won't be any ship at all to power if he doesn't kill the 'thing'. At the mention of a danger to his ship Kirk gets pissed and starts yelling at him, trying to get him to spill how it would hurt his ship, but Lazarus instead of spewing answers spews threats...or what sounds like threats though Lazarus claims they aren't.
 Lazarus then breaks into the engineering room and attacks a red shirt and a Lt. Masters...while Kirk was on com with Masters. So of course Kirk knew that he attacked Masters and the red shirt. And as it turns out he also took two of the Lithium crystals were stolen. When Kirk confronts Lazarus he claims not to have attacked the two officers or stolen the crystals, constantly claiming the 'thing' stole them. 

       To see if the dilithium crystals are hidden back in Lazarus's ship, Kirk, Lazarus and the rest of the landing party go back to the planet. Turns out Lazarus was right and they weren't in his ship, but puzzles Spock is the fact the traces of the dilithium crystals can't be found anywhere on the planet anymore. Everyone splits up to look for clues like the Scooby Gang and another 'blink out' occurs this time making a rock nearly smash Captain Kirk. Lazarus shouts to him just in time from a ledge above, but then falls nearly a few seconds later. 
     Back in the sick bay Kirk forces Lazarus to answer a few questions to the annoyance of McCoy. After Kirk accuses Lazarus of being a liar, Lazarus then tells Kirk that his ship is no mere ship but a time chamber/ a time ship and that of course he is a time traveler to which of course Kirk and Bones exchange looks of apprehension. Lazarus says that the 'thing' is also a time traveler, fleeing from him throughout time. And then he starts freaking out about having to kill him again.
    Bones then tells Kirk that he should leave Lazarus alone because he's injured to which Kirk responds, "Sometimes pain drive a man harder than pleasure, I'm sure you know that Doctor!" Bones tries to reassure Kirk that Lazarus isn't going anywhere but sure enough as soon as everyone leaves the sick bay Lazarus gets up and walks out.
    In another part of the Enterprise Spock and Kirk go over the facts. They come to the conclusion that the source of radiation that's causing the 'blinking' is not from our universe...or even in our universe. It comes from a parallel universe. Spock then explains that if a + universe comes in contact with a - universe could cause a warp, it would be like mixing matter and antimatter. They then come to the conclusion that maybe even Lazarus is from another dimension and that the 'blinking' is from the two Lazarus' switching places. Spock then warns Kirk that if the two Lazarus's meet and/or touch it could be complete annihilation.
   The next time we see Lazarus he is messing with something that very clearly says "WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE" . The scene cuts to Lt. Masters and the red shirt in the engineering room once again and suddenly as they are working the equipment starts smoking. Lazarus runs in while the smoke is horribly bad and steals two more dilithium crystals then runs and quickly beams himself back down to the planet, quickly followed by Kirk.
   The next scene is Lazarus way to happily working on his ship and then Kirk shows up. Lazarus starts freaking out and then suddenly Kirk begins to fade away.
     Kirk is then seen in the same spot on the planet, but this time talking to a different version of Lazarus. This Lazarus, that we shall call L2, explains that the original Lazarus(L1) went mad when he learned that with parallel dimensions means more than one version of him. L1 became so frustrated that he decided he had to destroy L2. L2 then explains that there is a 'door' between the two dimensions and if he can get L1 to enter it and destroys the ships that the two universes will be saved. 
   Kirk then reenters his universe, fights this super cheesy fight with Lazarus, pushes him into the spaceship which sends him through the 'door'. Immediately Kirk sends everybody up to the Enterprise and blows up the little white ship. And the episode ends with Kirk worrying over the two Lazarus' trapped in the 'door' forever.

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