In this episode the crew of the Enterprise are exploring the perimeter of the planet Gothos when Mr. Sulu mysteriously vanishes. Kirk takes a look and then vanishes with him. The Enterprise receives some strange messages from the planet and Spock packs up a few crewman and sends them down to the planet, which they believe has no vegetation, has frequent gas storms, and can sustain no life.
Once on the planet the crewman figure out quickly that they do not need all their funky gear and can breathe the air that was supposedly noxious gasses.
They start wandering the planet and find this weird mansion like house rather quickly. Common sense says go inside and it's like a ginormous history museum. And funny enough, Sulu and Kirk are frozen in it. They discover this man playing an organ and he unfreezes Kirk and Sulu and then introduces himself as General Trelane, retired...or The Squire of Gothos.

Trelane wants to keep everyone there as guests, but after awhile it becomes apparent that he doesn't view the crew as he guests but more as his toys. I mean really it isn't hard to pick up on the fact that Trelane is a child. He dances and sings and acts like a spoiled brat, and Kirk and Trelane keep referring to everything as games.
"Don't you like my game, Captain?"
"I don't wanna play your games anymore, Trelane!"
Kirk keeps trying to make Trelane let them go to no avail, but eventually Spock finds away to beam up all human life forms (which turns out was the entire landing crew, Sulu, and Kirk) but Trelane stayed behind....Hmmmm....interesting.
Kirk tries to get away as quick as possible from Gothos, but Trelane appears on the bridge of the Enterprise. Trelane blames Spock for the disappearance of his new toys and makes the whole bridge of the Enterprise appear back in his mansion on Gothos.
Trelane immediately fancies Yeoman Ross and asks her to dance, uses his powers to make Uhura play his organ, changes Yeoman Ross's outfit, and they just dance for awhile.
As those two dance, Kirk and Spock figure out that Trelane's powers are created by a giant machine. Kirk starts a battle with Trelane just so that in the end he could destroy Trelane's machine. Trelane of course gets pissed and sends everyone back to the ship but vows to kill Kirk.
Back on the Enterprise, they leave Gothos but then the planet starts stalking them and there seems to be no escape. Kirk beams back down to Gothos where Trelane puts Kirk on trial for treason and bunch of other silly charges. Kirk is found guilty and the sentence is death by hanging.
Kirk uses his skills of charisma and talks Trelane into "The Most Dangerous Game", to hunt Kirk for sport. But Trelane has to let the Enterprise go so it can escape. Trelane agrees and Kirk immediately tries to contact the Enterprise, but none of his messages go through. Kirk and Trelane run about the planet, Trelane trying to stab Kirk with a sword. This goes on for awhile until Trelane practically has Kirk. He's about to kill him when these two green blobs appear in the sky and start scolding him. And again it becomes apparent that Trelane is only a kid. He starts pleading with the green blobs (that turn out to be Trelane's parents) saying "I almost had him! I did! I did! You saw! You never let me have any fun!" And the whole time Kirk's got this whole "WTF is going on here?" look smeared across his face.
The green blobs make Trelane disappear, apologize for their son, and then say they'll keep the atmosphere breathable until Kirk is beamed back onto the Enterprise.
Back on the Enterprise, Yeoman Ross is still wearing her gown from Trelane and asks to change. Kirk messes with her a bit and then says yes.Spock asks what to put Trelane as in the log since Trelane wasn't human. First Kirk says a god, but Spock argues that. Then Kirk says " a little boy, a very naughty little boy" and Spock looks confused. Kirk explains that Trelane was just being up to little boy mischief and he asks if Spock ever did mischief and then starts naming pranks. Spock looks at him like "What? You did some of this stuff!" And Kirk's just like "I forgot who I'm talking to. Of course you didn't do any of these things!" I mean it's Spock! He was probably like the 'perfect angel' vulcan child!
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